HAPPY 2018!

A lot can happen in 365 days. Lives change. People fall in love. Some fall out of love. Babies are born. Degrees are finished. The possibilities are endless! The fact of the matter is, lives should change in the matter of a year. If you aren’t growing and changing, what are you truly accomplishing in this lifetime?

Now I am in no way perfect, but every single person on this planet should experience some manner of growth in one year’s time. You should want to experience something new or try something that you haven’t before. You should want to be different, even if only slightly, than you were 365 days ago. Please don’t discount the progress that you make, even if you’ve labeled it as small. But those small things are only accomplished if you actually put in the work to make them happen. It’s my belief that things don’t just happen by coincidence, some effort is required on our parts to accomplish the goals and aspirations that we’ve set for ourselves.

I don’t know about you, but I’m SUPER excited to experience a new year because I understand that the possibilities are only limited by ME!

So cheers to the new year and all of the new things that it will bring my way! đź’›



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